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Goals to Set for the New Year

setting goals

As 2020 comes to a close, it is only natural for everyone to start planning their New Year’s resolutions. For some of us, New Year’s resolutions stay the same each year. Others, however, have more success in achieving their goals set in the previous year. These resolutions are a great way to reset as we look towards the future. Setting new goals can be refreshing and invigorating. So, here are some ideas and inspiration to make sure that 2021 will be your most successful and productive year to date.

Be Healthier

One of the most common resolutions each year is to lose weight and get healthier. Following the festivities of Christmas and New Year’s Eve, most of us have had far too much to eat and drink. Every January, the gyms start to become very full, with fitness hopefuls filling the gym floors and classes. To make sure that going to the gym and eating healthy extends past January, having a friend with the same goals cheering you along will help to keep your motivation levels high. Eating healthy and exercising doesn’t have to be boring. Having healthy cooking sessions and participating in sports is a great way to better overall health.

Get Fit, Enjoy Nature and the Outdoors

Going for walks or even a run-in nature is a great way for you to focus on your fitness and health, whilst at the same time connecting with the environment around you. It cannot only be therapeutic, but it is good for your physical and mental health. Whether you want to have a healthier body weight, tone up, or even gain some weight, everybody has different fitness and health goals. New Years’ is a great opportunity for a clean slate and a fresh start, so make the first meal of 2021 a healthy one!

Stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the main killers in Australia, with approximately 15, 500 Australians passing away from smoking-related diseases each year. Smoking causes life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stomach ulcers, strokes and other various lung illnesses. With approximately 11 per cent of Australians smoking daily, these statistics are alarming. Ensure that you will not become one of these statistics and make 2021 the year that you give up smoking.


Although travel is significantly limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, use 2021 as your opportunity to explore your own backyard. There are so many different destinations within Australia that are just as fantastic as overseas destinations. We have the snow, the sand, the sea, the mountains and the cities. There truly is something for everyone! It is important to recognise that there may be further lockdowns, restrictions and border closures, however. Make sure that any plane ticket, hotel or activity booked offers either a refund or a credit.

Be Better with Money

Saving is often one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. Start small by putting an unsubstantial sum of money away each week. You will be surprised by how much you will have saved up by the end of the year.

Form Better Relationships

These can be either relationships at work or your own personal relationships. Maybe you want to develop a high performance team by being more team-oriented at work. You may want to mend an old relationship with a parent, friend, or family member. You might even want to mend your relationship with yourself!

Engage in More Self-Care

We often forget to look after ourselves in a busy and chaotic life. It is important to remember to unwind every night though, and prepare for the next day. By taking a long, warm bath, doing a skincare routine, watching a movie, or drinking a cup of tea, you will help your mind and body to de-stress. Set aside a time each morning or night to indulge in a little self-care, otherwise you will struggle to fit it into a busy schedule.

Start Your Own Business

Whether you want to start your own crane company, create an e-commerce company, or start a new air compressor service; 2021 is the year to do it. With many people still working from home due to COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, most people have found themselves with more time on their hands. Using this extra time to finally start up your own business venture is a fantastic and productive way to start the New Year.

Read More

Why not set yourself a goal to read twelve books by the end of the year? One book per month is a very reasonable and achievable goal. Reading helps to improve brain function and intelligence and will also be fulfilling once you finish a whole book. If you are super time-poor, then apps like Audible might be for you. Audiobooks will save on time, whilst also enriching your life. You will learn so much by just simply listening.  

Cook More Healthy Meals

Cooking a new meal each week can keep things interesting in the kitchen. Why not try cooking a different cuisine each night? There are plenty of cooking shows and channels on Foxtel, Youtube, Netflix, and other streaming services. All you need is the ingredients!

Find a New Hobby

Finding a new hobby can be so enriching to your life. Not only will you be participating in new sports or activities, it will allow you to meet new people that you otherwise would not interact with. Participating in sports such as soccer, netball, swimming, rugby, or tennis will keep you fit and healthy.

Become More Organised 

Being more organised will help you to save a lot of time. It will also save you unnecessary stress! No matter if it means cleaning your room, writing to-do lists, refraining from procrastinating, organising your desk, or picking out your outfits the night before work or school; an organised space results in a clear mind.

Get That Promotion

Whether you want to be leading teams, operate a new type of crane or machinery at work, or become the manager at your air compressor business; working hard in 2021 will make sure you get that position that you have always dreamed of!